
I am writing a short series of posts entitled "Super Easy Sensory Play".  Activities included in the series all contain two or fewer ingredients and are items that are generally found in any house, so no need to run to the store for specialty items.  I hope that you will give them all a try!  You can read the other posts in the series here:

Super Easy Sensory Play: Cloud Dough from Fun at Home with Kids

Cloud Dough is so fluffy, soft, and moldable - it's one of our favorites!  There are two ways to make it. If you have a child who is not going to sample the dough, the recipe is:

4 cups flour
1/2 cup baby oil

However, baby oil is dangerous if ingested, so if you are playing with a baby or young toddler, please use a cooking oil instead:

4 cups flour
1/2 cup cooking oil (like canola)

You just add the oil to the flour and knead it through with your hands.  The flour absorbs just enough oil to be moldable, but it's not wet or sticky like batter.  It's instead very soft like flour, with the added bonus that you can make shapes with it!  S helped measure, pour, and mix with me in the kitchen.  And since we were playing with X, the cooking oil cloud dough is the version pictured here.

Super Easy Sensory Play: Cloud Dough from Fun at Home with Kids

This was X's first experience with cloud dough.  I think he was intrigued that it was able to be both solid and crumbly, as he kept squishing handfuls and then slowly crumbling them.

Super Easy Sensory Play: Cloud Dough from Fun at Home with Kids

 Another shot of his inspection - slooooowly crumbling.

Super Easy Sensory Play: Cloud Dough from Fun at Home with Kids

After that he was content to squish his fingers around and just generally dive in with big sis.

Super Easy Sensory Play: Cloud Dough from Fun at Home with Kids

He LOVES sensory play, and nearly always shoots me several of these big grins (accompanied by giggles) when we're playing.  So cute!  I'd say he, too, is a fan of cloud dough!

Super Easy Sensory Play: Cloud Dough from Fun at Home with Kids

Cloud dough will keep in a sealed container for a week or more.

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All activities here are activities I feel are safe for my own children.  As your child's parents/guardians, you will need to decide what you feel is safe for your family.  I always encourage contacting your child's pediatrician for guidance if you are not sure about the safety/age appropriateness of an activity. All activities on this blog are intended to be performed with adult supervision.  Appropriate and reasonable caution should be used when activities call for the use of materials that could potentially be harmful, such as scissors, or items that could present a choking risk (small items), or a drowning risk (water activities), and with introducing a new food/ingredient to a child (allergies).  Observe caution and safety at all times.  The author and blog disclaim liability for any damage, mishap, or injury that may occur from engaging in any of these activities on this blog.


  1. I finally tried this today with my one year old... Mistake #1 - doing it in the high chair, mistake #2 - doing it right after lunch. First handful went directly into the mouth, the remainder was tossed on the floor. Will try again later this week!

  2. Pinning this idea! My 9 month old still loves to stick everything in her mouth...and I'm afraid If I would turn for even a second it would be quickly swallowed and choked on...but I think as soon as she learns that not everything is "food" we will give this a try. Cute and easy!

    1. Thank you for pinning! There are several other baby sensory plays here if you click on any of the links at the top - and some that are fine for eating. :) Happy playing!

  3. I'm so glad I found this - we love doing messy play, but my daughter always ends up eating whatever we're playing with!

  4. How do you keep the kids on the mat during sensory play? I have a 15 month old and I tried cooked spaghetti in a bin, he took it everywhere! I would like to try some of these activities but I'm afraid he won't sit and keep them in the bin/trays

    1. Great question! The rules are that you stay on the mat. With a 15 month old, it will be a learning curve for sure. I remind them of the rules when they start (S is a pro now, but X is still learning). If X goes to leave the mat, I ask "are you done?" if he is, I will grab him and wash him up and let him play with whatever in the background while sis still plays. If he's not done, I remind him that he and whatever we're playing with "stays on the mat while we're playing". And I will place him back in the center of the mat. It can be a little trying at first - esp. with a 15 month old. But with repetition they'll get it. I think it took S about three different times and then she had it down. By the time she was 2, she was a total pro and could be completely covered with paint, but wait patiently on the mat for me to grab her for clean up. :)

    2. I stick mine outside with messy food things. That way when she's done the neighborhood cats/birds/squirrels can eat whatever got outside the bowl/tray.

  5. Thank you for sharing all these fun activities! I feel very fortunate to have found your blog. I'm a busy mom with a SUPER active 15 month old. Normal toys only hold her attention for 2-3 min, then she'd demands for more. This passed weekend I've tried two of your activities with her, this cloud dough and the yogurt paint. The cloud dough was a big success, she was on it for 1 hr. The yogurt paint could of have gone long until she spread yogurt all over her face and we needed to stop to clean her up. Anyways, I just wanted to express my gratitude for your time and hard work.

    1. Oh she sounds like a little S!!!! So glad you found us and love that she's enjoying some of our activities! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a kind comment! It totally made my day! :) :) :)

  6. hai so happy that i came across your blog...i'm a mother of a 5 months old in Malaysia...and i just love how Play can make a huge difference in my baby's life...i have tried the simple water play with her,,,,and she loves it....tq so much for sharing these simple ideas.... never knew homemade items are the best toys ever for baby...will be trying more with her....the only problem i have is that she loves to put everything in her i have to watch her very careful...anyhow...i simple adore your blog....

    1. Oh I'm so glad you found us!!!! Your baby sounds so cute! What fun you will have together! :)

    2. well tq...hee...any ideas that are suitable for my baby who can't sit well on her own yet?

    3. Hi Syamsina!

      Yep! Here's for before she's sitting well:

      And here's for once she is sitting well:

      Hope that helps! :) :) :)


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