
When I saw this big pasta at the Dollar Tree (when I was writing up our Under $20 Sensory Starter Kit from the Dollar Tree post), I knew it would be just perfect.  I mean, you could fit it on your fingers - what's not to love, right?

DIY Rainbow Pasta for Necklaces, Sensory Play, and Art from Fun at Home with Kids

But, as is our penchant around here, we felt the need to make it a rainbow.  We love using our dyed pasta (and rice) for sensory play first and foremost.  It's soooo pretty.

DIY Rainbow Pasta for Necklaces, Sensory Play, and Art from Fun at Home with Kids

This was an activity we did months ago, so X is little here.  :)  He was so excited to wake up to rainbow pasta (he'd been napping, thus the bed head).  He immediately figured out he could fit the pasta on his little chubby fingers.  He seriously loved this bin.  It was probably his second favorite sensory material ever (after cornstarch and water - that one is definitely the favorite).

DIY Rainbow Pasta for Necklaces, Sensory Play, and Art from Fun at Home with Kids

Inspecting, as always.

DIY Rainbow Pasta for Necklaces, Sensory Play, and Art from Fun at Home with Kids

He was totally impressed by my pasta fingers.  :)

DIY Rainbow Pasta for Necklaces, Sensory Play, and Art from Fun at Home with Kids

S also had to show off her pasta fingers.

DIY Rainbow Pasta for Necklaces, Sensory Play, and Art from Fun at Home with Kids
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After playing a suitable time with the pasta itself, I got out our lanyard and invited S to make some necklaces.  I like using lanyard because it doesn't flop around like string, which I think makes it easier for little ones to use when threading/beading.

DIY Rainbow Pasta for Necklaces, Sensory Play, and Art from Fun at Home with Kids

S's beautiful work in progress.

DIY Rainbow Pasta for Necklaces, Sensory Play, and Art from Fun at Home with Kids

X's sister-made necklace!

DIY Rainbow Pasta for Necklaces, Sensory Play, and Art from Fun at Home with Kids

S's handmade necklace.  She found two green pastas that were stuck together and HAD to use it.  Such a lovely necklace.

DIY Rainbow Pasta for Necklaces, Sensory Play, and Art from Fun at Home with Kids

We also like to use our colored pasta for art projects.  It's one of the loose materials we always have available for the kiddos in our Art Room.

As far as how we color our pasta - it's SUPER easy.  You take a Ziploc bag, fill it with the dried pasta, add some Colorations Liquid Watercolors (What are Liquid Watercolors?) and shake until they're totally coated.  Once they are, we spread them out on wax paper to dry.  If you're curious about how to dye them using food coloring and or a comparison  between using food coloring vs. Colorations Liquid Watercolors check out our post detailing and comparing the two methods with rice (the same methods and rules apply to pasta).

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All activities here are activities I feel are safe for my own children.  As your child's parents/guardians, you will need to decide what you feel is safe for your family.  I always encourage contacting your child's pediatrician for guidance if you are not sure about the safety/age appropriateness of an activity. All activities on this blog are intended to be performed with adult supervision.  Appropriate and reasonable caution should be used when activities call for the use of materials that could potentially be harmful, such as scissors, or items that could present a choking risk (small items), or a drowning risk (water activities), and with introducing a new food/ingredient to a child (allergies).  Observe caution and safety at all times.  The author and blog disclaim liability for any damage, mishap, or injury that may occur from engaging in any of these activities on this blog.


  1. Love the pasta fingers! These also look ideal for the necklaces, since they are bigger and easier to string. Great ideas!

    1. Thank you P is for Preschooler! Gotta love the Dollar Tree, right? :)

  2. I mean, pasta fingers are impressive. :)

    1. Totally. He was amazed that I could get them on all my fingers all by myself. :)

  3. I have to say - those are some adorable kids!!

    1. Aw, thanks Nicole! I totally agree, of course! :)

  4. I love the bright color! I am wondering if the color comes off on their hands. I made rice with food color in neon colors and alcohol and it makes hands get colored.

    1. If you wait until it's dry, definitely not. If you touch it wet, some will get on their hands. It's pretty washable, though. I feel like the purple can sometimes leave a tint through two washings, but the rest really seem to come completely off for us.


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