
Disclosure:  Discount School Supply was kind enough to supply us with more of their amazing liquid watercolors at no cost so we could continue experimenting with them.  Receiving free product does not influence me since I only accept products I have already tried and love! 

This was one of those discoveries I stumbled upon while doing something else.  Aren't those some of the most fun?

Watercolor Suncatchers: Butterfly Window Art from Fun at Home with Kids

You know we love some window art around here (you may have seen our Contact Paper Window Art or our Mix and Match Spring Flowers), and of course we're addicted to Colorations Liquid WatercolorsWatercolor Suncatchers: Butterfly Window Art from Fun at Home with Kids.  While messing around with another project, we happened to splash some liquid watercolors onto wax paper and it was sooooo pretty!!!  So, of course, we had to experiment further!

Watercolor Suncatchers: Butterfly Window Art from Fun at Home with Kids

I tore off a large sheet of wax paper (the kind you get from the grocery store), taped it down to the table, filled an ice cube tray with a variety of colors of Colorations Liquid WatercolorsWatercolor Suncatchers: Butterfly Window Art from Fun at Home with Kids, handed S a dropper and let her go to town.

Watercolor Suncatchers: Butterfly Window Art from Fun at Home with Kids

It was so cool to see the beading as S dropped each color of her Colorations Liquid WatercolorsWatercolor Suncatchers: Butterfly Window Art from Fun at Home with Kids onto the wax paper.  Over time, it slowly bled into the wax paper and dried - but it was a slow process.  We had plenty of time to marvel at the cool shapes and patterns created by the initial resistance by the wax.

Watercolor Suncatchers: Butterfly Window Art from Fun at Home with Kids

After awhile, S requested a paintbrush to smear the bigger dots across the paper, shattering them into teeny perfect circles.  (Oh, and yes, she was painting with a crocodile.  He didn't want to miss any of the action.)

Watercolor Suncatchers: Butterfly Window Art from Fun at Home with Kids

We allowed the wax paper to dry overnight and it was GORGEOUS and vibrant when held up to a window the next day.  I couldn't resist making it into a beautiful butterfly.  My friend Stephanie at Twodaloo made some oh so lovely butterfly suncatchers with a different method (check them out for another fun way to decorate those windows!) and used twigs for the bodies.  I couldn't resist copying her genius butterfly-body-design.   :)

Watercolor Suncatchers: Butterfly Window Art from Fun at Home with Kids

 It's still striking on a wall or a table, should you prefer to display it somewhere else in your house.

Watercolor Suncatchers: Butterfly Window Art from Fun at Home with Kids

Now that you're (hopefully) ready to make your own - a few tips.  If you don't have Colorations Liquid WatercolorsWatercolor Suncatchers: Butterfly Window Art from Fun at Home with Kids (What are Liquid Watercolors?), you will need to substitute food coloring.  The colors may not be quite as vibrant, but it will still work.  I don't believe you can use regular watercolors (the kind in discs that you add water to) because they would be too watery --- which leads to my next point -- wax paper is pretty fragile, so do not add any water or it will tear.  S tried adding water in one spot (like three drops) and it totally tore through in that spot.  If you are careful moving it, the liquid watercolors absorb slowly enough that we did not have any tearing issues.  We did not set anything under ours because we were using liquid watercolors which are totally washable.  If you are using food coloring, don't forget to put something between the wax paper and your table because food coloring will stain the tabletop (and it does soak through the wax paper enough while you are creating to leave a stain).

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All activities here are activities I feel are safe for my own children.  As your child's parents/guardians, you will need to decide what you feel is safe for your family.  I always encourage contacting your child's pediatrician for guidance if you are not sure about the safety/age appropriateness of an activity. All activities on this blog are intended to be performed with adult supervision.  Appropriate and reasonable caution should be used when activities call for the use of materials that could potentially be harmful, such as scissors, or items that could present a choking risk (small items), or a drowning risk (water activities), and with introducing a new food/ingredient to a child (allergies).  Observe caution and safety at all times.  The author and blog disclaim liability for any damage, mishap, or injury that may occur from engaging in any of these activities on this blog.


  1. I just love how those turned out!! I would have never even thought to try it on wax paper!! Such a cool idea~ off to pin!

    1. Thank you Chelsey!!! And thanks for the pin!!!!

  2. Did you paint on the waxy side or the paper side?


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